Monday, February 4, 2013


After a lengthy vacation we are again here. As " better late than never"  today our lawyer assistand came to hyd and submitted the required necessary papers to the CAT. The papers verification and making copies of the OA is also done. Now CAT will issue notices to the respondents on Thursday in the presence of our lawyer. And may be after one or one and half month the case will comes to hearing on regular basis. So until that time patiently we should wait.

Many of us are having doubts that why this much time taken for filling the case in the CAT as we are worrying about the time. Though the things and situation forced like that, finally we are at the feeling that the time is not wasted by looking at the  work done by our Lawyer in the back ground. 

Though none of member questioned us in respect of the delay, it is our responsibility to brief the things happened in last few days.

First and most important one is the health problems of our Lawyer family, due to which he is unable to concentrate on our case. After every thing is well, he started building up our case. He gone through each and every biodata and compared with BSNL LDCE result data and respective CGM's promotion orders. He compared each one of us with the Karnataka LDCE first court case batch to get the junior most member in that year and compared the seniority in this case. Another reason for delay is he wanted to include the Karnataka Second Judgement which expected to deliver at any time in last week of December. But unfortunately due to transfer of the CAT Member, the judgement is yet to deliver there by dropping the idea to include that judgement and separately now the case is filed. Also due to the order copies of respective CGM's not clear thereby causing time delay. Finally due to the delay in obtaining all HYD CAT & High Court proceedings  orders in our seniors previous cases. At this time we extent our sincear thanks to Mr Murthy, and Mr Krishna Murthy for their cooperation in obtaining all these orders. Similarly to Mr M.Prasad SDE Tandem HYD for taking much strain in scanning all the orders of 75% quota orders issued in 2000 and 2001 and made available to us as soft copies though he is no way concerns to our cases.

By seeing the way that our Lawyer building the case and representing the case, it again reiterated that we are not gone wrong in selecting  him as our Lawer.

Hope every thing will go smooth in future
bye for this time

Note: In between our first meeting with our lawyer and filling the case the following important events happened which may influence our case also.

1. BSNL appealed against the Jabalpur CAT order directly to Supreme Court threw a SLP which is admitted. The outcome will having direct impact on our case. This is also  taken up by our Lawyer.
2. BSNL also moved to AP High Court on the contempt filed by our seniors. This is yet to admit.

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