Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dear Friends,

Yesterday on 25th March, I myself witness the proceedings in the court. For the first time arguments taken place in our case.

First BSNL lawyer didn't filed any reply and requested for more time. But our Lawyer strongly protested and pressed for arguments for which Judges accepted. First our lawyer briefed the case history and the bangalore High courts final order. He also pointed that the Karnataka Judgement attained finality. Also pointed the first batch judgement is also given by the same bench of this court. And hence requested to grant same releaf.

Then BSNL lawyer presented that the case before Supreme Court. He pointed the seniority case and this notional is interrelated and refered the judgement of MUMBAI, CHANDIGHAR ,Ernakulam and Jabalpur cases. He told the SLP's pending in the Supreme Court. He tried to impress this case can taken after those cases.

At this point our Lawyered clearly explained the judges that they are not requesting any seniority and they only wanted the monitory benifits. he quoted the BG JUDGEMENT. Also clarified that technicall terms like single line judgement and dismissed on merits in Supreme Court Judgement. At this moment again BSNL Lawyer confused himself and tried to confuse the Judeges.

Our lawyer now explained all the SLP's in Supreme Court, what is what. as he himself representing the case in those cases. And he requested to pass immediate releaf in this case. Also presented that BSNL approached High court and contempt is pending in CAT also. Also asked to grant releaf in this case and if BSNL want let they take this also to HIGH COURT and we are also ready.

At this point of time the two Judges almost discussed them self for about 5min. It appear that they may takeking decission now it self. But as BSNL not yet filed its reply they hesitated to give judgement and with acceptence of our lawyer they postponed for 22 of next month for reply.

Now friends as per our case concerned our lawyer very effectively presented our version by showing the reply given by BSNL to our individual representations. If every thing goes smooth by next hearing our case yeild some result.

But in mean while on April 8 th our previous batch case come in High Court. If there BSNL gets some type of stay on previous judgements, then our plans to be revised.

we will come with more updates




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